LOAN IQ Technical - Grouped call LIQ APIs

Revision as of 15:23, 25 May 2022 by Guillard (talk | contribs)
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Go to your Loan Iq Xml Client on path C:/ENV-Liq01/serverLiq/App/XmlClient/ :

- XML grouped call :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE GroupedCall SYSTEM "GroupedCall.dtd">
<GroupedCall version="1.0">
<UpdateAdditionalFields version="1.0" ownerId="dsfdsd" ownerType="DEA">
<AdditionalField version="1.0" fieldType="yourLabell" fieldValue="value1" deleteIndicator="N"/></UdpdateAddtionalFields>
<UpdateAdditionalFields version="1.0" ownerId="adsfdd" ownerType="DEA">
<AdditionalField version="1.0" fieldType="yourLabel2" fieldValue="value2" deleteIndicator="N"/></UdpdateAddtionalFields>

Warning !
With the XML client, mode "http connection", the only way to get working the grouped call is to use button "Send".
If you use the second method, selecting the xml, right click, execute, it doesn't work