LOAN IQ Technical - Get all legacy CPP LIQ APIs

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Go to your Loan Iq server on path C:/ENV-Liq01/serverLiq/ :

- Open file named C:/ENV-Liq01/serverLiq/liqcppapidefinitions.xml and you will find list of functions and arguments :
- Example how to call them :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE CppApiFunctionCallSequence SYSTEM "CppApiFunctionCallSequence.dtd">
<CppApiFunctionCallSequence version="1.0" commit="Y">
<CppApiFunctionCall version="1.0" library="custapi" entryPoint="InsertCustomerServicingGroupRemAssoc">
  <Arg version="1.0" name="cServicingGroupId" value="AFJDK"></Arg>
  <Arg version="1.0" name="cRemittanceInstructionId" value="JGKJF"></Arg>
  <Arg version="1.0" name="cStandardInd" value="N"></Arg>